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Autoesquema, IPUB, 2015
13 black squares glued on paper sheets by the users of the psychiatric hospital of Rio de Janeiro Federal University.
11 participations

70 x 70 cm

Lucio Salvatore collaboration with the users of the IPUB in Rio de Janeiro
Lucio Salvatore collaboration with the users of the IPUB in Rio de Janeiro
Lucio Salvatore collaboration with the users of the IPUB in Rio de Janeiro

Autoesquemas (2013-present)

Autoesquemas is an open and ongoing series of relational artworks inspired
by the Brazilian neo-concrete art.
Autoesquemas are self-portraits of people invited to create artworks
by building their personal compositions
of squares:
Salvatore offers the participants sheets of paper with drawn grids and colored adhesive paper, the squares, that have to be glued onto the grids, the rule
of the game.
Salvatore’s platform for creativity
is universal because of its language
and possibilities that are accessible
and equal for everybody participating in it.
With the Autoesquemas Salvatore deconfigures in a synthetic way
art categories and relations such as producer/consumer, artist/public, authorship/labor.

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